Consultation and support resource for engaged planning, designing, and implementation of Broader Impacts programs.

Request for Proposals Coming Soon!

The new ARIS Center was recently launched with an award from the National Science Foundation (OIA 1810732) and a mission to Advance Research Impacts in Society (ARIS) through four initiatives: building capacity; advancing scholarship; growing partnerships; and curating resources.

We are pleased to announce the ARIS Fellowship Program, which is designed to advance scholarship and provide clear and concise synthesis products that will build capacity for scientists, engineers and their partners to broaden the impacts of their research. The program will select fellows to conduct small scale individual and collaborative projects that result in useful tools that facilitate use of evidence-based impact practices throughout the research community. Project proposals should aim to synthesize evidence about effective practices, identify and describe the principles of exemplar research impacts efforts, or conduct innovative research with the potential to evolve practice. More details coming in early December with a full request for proposals. Contact with questions.