Consultation and support resource for engaged planning, designing, and implementation of Broader Impacts programs.

Learn more about the partners, programs, and events that are connected to Broader Impacts

Partners and Programs for Broader Impacts

UW–Madison offers many programs that highlight science and creativity for K-12 students, educators and families. Most of these programs are open to the public and take place at the Discovery Building and across Wisconsin as part of the Wisconsin Science Festival.


This new evening lecture series addresses challenging and engaging social sciences topics such as law, ethics, politics and public perceptions.

Informatics Skunkworks

The “Informatics Skunkworks” is a group dedicated to engaging undergraduates in realizing the potential of informatics for science and engineering.

Darwin Day

Darwin Day consists of events across multiple days including evolution-themed exploration stations, poster sessions, and seminars.


SoundWaves combines scientific lectures about the world with live classical music performances. Each event revolves around a theme, exploring if first from many scientific angles and then through the lens of music.

Afterschool Expeditions

In this drop-in and community based program is typically held from 2:30pm to 4:30pm on Mondays during the school year. Elementary and middle school students are invited to explore, engage and discover UW-Madison science.  A ‘Discovery Connections’ program.

Field Trips

During the school year, several field trip experiences at the Discovery building are available for students in elementary, middle and high school.

A ‘Discovery Connections’ program.

Saturday Science

Held from 10 am until noon on the first Saturday of each month, this free program features interactive explora- tion stations for kids and families. A ‘Discovery Connections’ program.

Wisconsin Science Festival

For four days each fall, the Wisconsin Science Festival welcomes people of all ages to look, listen, feel, touch, taste, and discover the wonders of all aspects of the sciences, and more through interactive exhibits, hands-on workshops, etc. ‘Discovery Connections’ is the lead partner.


The Delta Program promotes the development of a future national faculty in the natural and social sciences, engineering, and mathematics that is committed to advancing effective teaching practices for diverse student audiences.

WISCIENCE, Adult Role Models in Science Family Science Nights

Students can show off their learning, and families can do science together at these community events, which include investigation, food, and fun. Special events for parents (with free child care) allow adults to explore and become role models of science learning.

UW-Madison Science Expeditions

From astronomy to zoology, UW Science Expeditions is the annual campus-wide science open house that connects you to UW people and places all year round.

UW-Madison Libraries, Steenbock Library

Our librarians are partners throughout the life-cycle of STEM research, teaching and learning. To that end, we are available to work with you as you contribute to the scholarship of your discipline and engage with students and our wider community.

Biocore Outreach Ambassadors (BOA)

The mission of the Biocore Undergraduate Outreach Ambassadors is to work side by side with classroom teachers to enhance science education in rural Wisconsin communities.

The UW–Madison Office of Postdoctoral Studies

UW-Madison Office of Postdoctoral Studies strives to enhance the postdoctoral training experience. A central tenet of this mission is to assist faculty in the recruitment, mentoring and professional development of postdoctoral trainees.

Materials Research Science and Engineering Center

The NSF-sponsored organization provides connections to information and resources at the various MRSECs for the international scientific, industrial, and educational materials research and development communities.

Field Day

This website develops educational video games, virtual reality and augmented reality to communicate science with the public and to research learning.

Research Data Services

Research Data Services (RDS) is an interdisciplinary organization committed to advancing research data management practice on the UW-Madison campus.

Family Gardening Day

This is a free, family-friendly event held at several venues throughout the UW campus. Each location hosts a variety of displays and demonstrations.

Engineering Expo

Engineering Expo is a two-day event held annually and run entirely by students at the UW-Madison College of Engineering campus.

Science Alliance – Science Outreach on Campus – UW–Madison

Science Alliance

Anyone can join UW-Madison Science Alliance: university or college scientists and students, outreach staff, K-12 educators, parents, lifelong learners, and anyone interested in science outreach. We welcome your participation, ideas, and support for events.

Career Corner: Baby Boomers reinvent themselves for a post ...

Division of Continuing Studies

The mission of Continuing Studies is to advocate for and to engage lifelong learners through high-quality and innovative programs and services.

Growing Wisconsin Fast Plants®

Wisconsin Fast Plants

Wisconsin Fast Plants were developed as research tool at the University of Wisconsin – Madison and have been used by K-16 teachers around the world for nearly 30 years as an educational model-organism.

Bottle Biology

Bottle Biology, an instructional materials development program, was funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation administered by the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Positive Youth Development Institute

The Division of Extension, Positive Youth Development Institute, which also houses 4-H serves Wisconsin youth and families in every corner of the state. Our research-based youth enrichment programs enable youth to explore their interests (“sparks”) and actively engage in post secondary educational pathways. We have a fleet of staff and volunteers trained in youth protection policy and inclusive teaching practices. As a campus-based specialist, I take cutting-edge research occurring at the university and translate it into youth educational experiences.

Wednesday Nite @ The Lab

Experience science as exploring the unknown every week at Wednesday Nite @ The Lab. Discover the latest from UW-Madison researchers as they describe their investigations and inventions that are changing how we look at life and how we lead our lives.

Allen Centennial Garden logoAllen Centennial Garden

Allen Centennial Garden is the artful living laboratory and public botanical garden of the Horticulture Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The Garden serves as an outdoor classroom for UW-Madison students and the surrounding communities, providing meaningful learning opportunities for visitors of all ages.


NISE Network

The National Informal STEM Education Network (NISE Net) is a community of informal educators and scientists dedicated to supporting learning about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) across the United States.